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leveling up through soul X station

our in-house map for you to use on your journey

The soulXstation map is designed as a guide, similar to that of a subway map, where we lead you through the four elements via specific “trains” as your conductor. Each stop includes highly useful resources to assist with balancing each of the natural elements in the sxs map below

Test Ride:

Looking to fill your cup for it has run dry? Or cleanse yourself from a negative situation? Take the W....and jump in where the water’s warm because here you will find a collection of resources to help you balance your natural ebb + flow. 

F symbol final.png


passion, motivation + strength

W symbol final.png


source, cleanse + wellness

A symbol final.png


clarity, change + inspiration

E symbol final.png


grounding, roots + being present


soulxstation was founded in 2021 by two friends who wanted to make a difference in the world and ask for nothing in return. we learned how to live life and blaze trails by relying on each other’s experiences and best guesses to help us navigate to where we are.


when the world was halted during a global pandemic and one of us lost our jobs we thought to ourselves. what if everyone had a friend like us? to get us through hard situations, life changing news and happy times too? we know not everyone has someone in their back pocket that serves as such a valuable resource so we wanted to be that for you. your big sister, your best friend, your confidant, the person you call when you get dumped, your #1. We want nothing in return other than for you to never, ever feel alone again. you will never have to be alone again. sXs got you!!!!

based on the east coast, it was all a dream (biggie voice)….

we are thrilled to assist you with discovering your best self and pride ourselves in vetting the most efficient, highly useful resources plus inspirational gems for your sxs experience.


While we vow to give our best efforts, sXs is not always available for an immediate response thus should not and will not replace any professional doctor or any other health services.

This disclaimer is applicable to all information and products provided on this website. No information or product offered by SoulXstation is intended to substitute licensed medical advice or attention.


We cannot promise any specific benefits from the use of our products or information, as our products and information is simply meant as a tool to aid you along your own personal healing journey.


immediate resources/help please contact 800-273-8255

© 2023 by Bree Arkay-Leliever

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